Friday, November 17, 2006

Good old memory

This is typical sports ground in elementary school in Tokyo.

Baseball and football is popular among boys in Japan. Some of them join in baseball or football club team and practice it after school is over. By the way, I seriously used to play baseball in elementary and handball in junior high school and high school.

The ground is too small to practice both baseball and football simultaneously. So they practice it by turns. The photo shows that boys practice baseball, divided in half in the same ground.

I used to play baseball in elementary school in the same way as this. When I played left field, home-run ball came over my head from another field since the ground was too small.

The photo reminds me of good old memory, playing baseball as much as I like.

PS. I will reply to your comments on weekend. Sorry!!


At 6:04 PM, Blogger Andreea said...

check this out: wasabi all the way to brussels on my food blog :)
Thank you for letting me use the photo!


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