Sunday, September 10, 2006

Love Hotel: Tokyo


This slightly showy building is called at "love hotel", a hotel only for lovers. The hotels is only for making love.

The entrance is off a main road since lovers go there in secret.

After entering the hotel, you can see a big plastic board at a entrance lobby and beside the board is a small counter, where you and a hotel person don't face.

On a plastic board are printed each room's photo, and under the photo is a button to stay. After pressing the button, a ticket for a room is automatically issued. Then, you need to go to the counter with the ticket to enter the room.

In a room are a double bed, sofa, TV and refrigerator. Beside a fridge is a coin machine selling sex toy, like vibrator. In a bathroom is a big bathtub with Jacuzzi besides shower.

This seems to be a reasonable and comfortable hotel for lovers.

at Tokyo


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